Monday, November 21, 2005


In Whitley Strieber's second book, Transformation, he mentions a vision of a "Golden City". This city is a golden hope, a future "heaven" of sorts. He understands that this is somehow connected with the Visitors. This is some kind of racial memory I think, or perhaps simply borrowing of the biblical "New Jerusalem". If one reads the passage in Revelation 21 it certainly SOUNDS like some kind of gigantic mothership landing on the earth. Although such a thing is almost impossible to conceive.

If one maintains my theory that the aliens are nothing more than demons or fallen angels then it fits that their version of the "golden city" is a perversion or twisting of the original message. It is a bait or ploy to bring in Whitley and others.

This entails the idea of the "Millenium", that ever popular 1000 year timespan of peace on the earth. This is also confused in its timeline portrayal in popular culture, you can think back to the TV series Millenium where it opens with the quote about "Satan being unleashed after a 1000 years..." and in the "End of Days" where Satan is unleashed to find an earthly mate and usher in a 1000 years of darkness. Then there is the recent release "Hellboy" where a demon becomes a good guy but his fist of rock is able to unlock the Abyss and usher in guess what? another 1000 year reign! (For REAL horror fans we can only look back to Hitler's 1000 year Reich.)

You confused by this timeline?
Well I will try and give the biblical chronology for you. Unlike many intepreters for Revelation I choose NOT to say its "all symbolic" rather it follows an exact, linear chronology with "parentheses" or parenthetical chapters giving details. So to understand the chronology lets take a trip through the events of the last chapters of Revelation:

Revelation 19 - we see the RETURN of Christ with his saints to end the war of Armageddon and establish his reign on earth.

Revelation 20 - Satan is imprisoned in the Abyss for a thousand years (the much misunderstood millenium). Notice, unlike the TV show he is on the loose now and NOT in prison, also unlike the movie "End of Days" he is free. But he will be imprisoned for 1000 years during the reign of Christ on the earth. In the 7th verse, he is set loose to deceive the nations one last time. There is a final battle for Jerusalem and fight against Christ who is ruling there. Of course he LOSES and is put in the lake of fire (finally!) in verse 10. This is now at the end of the Millenium, what we see next is the "Great White Throne Judgment". The dead great and small must stand before God. This is the judgment of the wicked dead, The sea will also give up its dead. The evil dead have waited 1000 years for judgment. When this is finished we jump into Revelation 21.

Revelation 21- what we see is the molecular destruction of the current time-space continuum (sounds impressive, doesn't it?) Peter describes it this way:

2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

THEN the Golden City, the New Jerusalem will come down to earth. This is a massive thing and many bible teachers have differing opinions on its actual shape, cube, pyramid and I have even heard sphere. But whatever it is it has a width, breadth and height of 1500 miles.
So the timeline is as follows:

Armageddon-1000 year reign of Christ with the Devil chained beneath the earth-New Heavens, New Earth and New Jerusalem on the New Earth-

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