Sunday, August 12, 2007

Yes boys and girls, it IS in there. But not in the approved Al Gore format. Mankind is not the cause at all but the judgment of God. Isaiah 30:26 describes the moon giving off light as the sun and the light of the sun being sevenfold. Then in Revelation 16:8 one of the angels of judgment pours his vial on the sun and is given the power to scorch men with fire. Two things to note; 1. the source that is quoted is SOLAR. 2. These judgments don't come into play until the time of the GREAT tribulation (in otherwords you ain't seen REAL global warming yet.)

So what are we to make of this global warming swindle? It may well be the manufactured crisis that the coming world leader uses to help push himself into power. In Revelation 6 when the first rider rides out, he conquers without raising a sword. In fact his hands hold a bow with no arrows. What better way to get control of the world than to convince everyone that we are literally going to burn?

In the manual that I once had my hands on by Senator Imhof former French prime minister Jaques Chirac lets the cat out of the bag. He says that the whole global warming thing is brought about to envoke a global government.

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