Sunday, January 29, 2006


Much confusion abounds as to what these seals are, what is the meaning behind them, when are these events to happen, have they already happened, is it ALL metaphor, and so on?
There is the "preterist" approach; all these events have already happened in the first century after Christ. There is the "historicist" approach, that says it all is a picture of Church History through the centuries. There is the "idealist" approach, (symbolic would be a better description), the book shows the cosmic struggle between good and evil. Finally there is the "futurist" approach, that these events are yet to come and the book reveals what is to happen.

The seals are the key to understanding which is true. All the judgments are held within the seals. All of the subsequent judgments, trumpets, and bowls are contained within the seals. So to find the key of the "mystery" you must understand what the seals are.

Most of the intepretive approaches that are taken except for the futurist ignore the context of the seals passage. To understand chapter 6 of Revelation you must understand chapter 5. In chapter 5 we see a gigantic scroll (King Jimmie, "book") that is sealed with 7 seals. Wills in ancient times were sealed with 7 seals as a way of keeping the authority of the document in force. The scroll was written on the inside and summarized on the outside so you knew what was in it.

The context of scripture gives you the meaning behind what the scroll is. It is the title deed to the planet earth. We know this because in the end of the book of Revelation we see all the earth and universe subjected finally to God and the Lamb. We don't see that YET! So the idea that these events and seals have already happened (or are happening now) is wrong.

The book of Revelation is simply the document of what will happen on the earth to bring it into subjection to the King finally. Think of it like the D-Day landing at Normandy, finally the Lord himself will begin the invasion of planet Earth, the Silent Planet will be silent no more. The enemy will be put to flight, you and and I (if you are a Christian) are simply the "Resistance Fighters" left here on planet earth.

So why would God wait to deliver judgment? Well that is explained TOO in 2 Peter;

2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Giving everyone a chance to repent is looking at the glass as "half-full". He is also giving the world a chance to be as "wicked as it can be" that is to mature into the full evil of its ways so there will be no doubt when he delivers judgment;

Mt 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
Christ gives the parable of the tares and wheat, someone sows "tares" in the field of the world, sons of the wicked one. But the owner of the field says to wait till they all come to maturity, lest they hurt the wheat in taking out the tares.

Deep stuff, eh?

But "let not your heart be troubled", when the end times arrive there will be no doubt as to whether or not we are in it. I really don't think we are in them now (although they may be just over the horizon) and I CERTAINLY don't think we have been in them for the last almost 2000 years (or even since 1850)...

ps. you READY for them when they come? this is the parable of the ten virgins and their oil! (next blog!)

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